A mere 3 months ago, I had a happy, content little girl in my house. She was active, more than a little mischievous, but over-all, manageable. Where did she go!?! I so haven't been able to find her since her first birthday. You know what the meanies gave me instead? A holy terror of a hellion in curls. That's right, folks. Scarlett is easy no more. Sure, she's still got the long batting eyelashes and ever-present grin, but now there's definitely something menacing in that smile...one could even call it a smirk of sorts. But, one might say, she's still a baby! She doesn't know what she's doing! To that I say, bull crap. She knows exactly what she's doing and finds great pleasure in it. Every time I turn around that girl is going after Georgia to hit her with something or pull her hair (Georgia shrieks the loudest and so gets targeted the most), climbing onto the computer desk in order to throw things off of it, climbing onto the dining room table in order to dump things on it (yesterday it was a box of straight pins (twice) into a spilled cup of juice and a dumped bowl of cereal). She's constantly trying to pull a framed poster off the wall on top of her, chew crayons into little bits, throw every single dish out of the dishwasher, or playing in (used) toilet water. When she's not getting into mischief, she's writhing on the floor in a tantrum that befits a much older girl because I haven't dropped everything to hold her constantly. Then, when I do break down and hold her, she rewards me by constantly turning off/playing with the computer while I'm typing, trying to get her fingers chopped off while I'm cooking, or crushing my makeup while I'm getting ready (if she's not to busy trying to eat the toilet brush). To top it all off, she's bumped herself down to a single 45 minute nap a day. Yeah...it's that bad.
Her saving grace? The fact that she still loves to cuddle and she's extremely happy while mischief-making. I'll take a grinning naughty little imp over a surly, grumpy one any day. Oh, that and the fact that she's still friggin' adorable.
Today's punishment: After I found her splashing around in spilled juice and eggs on top of the table, I held her down and put pigtails in her hair to convince me I had a little girl instead of a she-devil in disguise. Everyone knows that she-devils don't wear curly pigtails and corkers, right?
oh girl! it sounds like you are having a week like i have been having, just remember how you laughed when my 4 year sprayed my 2 year old with pam cooking spray... I feel for ya dearie, and i wish and hope that next little while gets a little easier ( it may be to much to ask the stage be over, but that you may have a rest to take on the rest of fit).. good luck and keep us in the loop, i swear telling other moms about the "hellish" stuff they put us through is one of our saving graces! (plus in 21 years, these will make great stories to tell her significant other about the little ones they will be raising!... HA!)
She's so adorable! Naughty...not her!!! ;) Quite the week to keep you on your toes, unfortunately, that is not too uncommon for you! :) Your darling stinkers' saving grace is just that...they are so stinkin' cute! Give my niecies and nephew squeezes (you can squeeze them a little extra hard if you need) and kisses from Auntie!
Ha ha!
Oooo, but she's soooo cute!! I can find no wrong doing with a face like that! She is so adorable I want to reach through the computer and scoop her up. She can live with her Auntie and I'll look the other way (mostly ;) with she's pulling an impish tantrum. ;)
Also, thank you for posting her ad-or-a-ble piggie tails pics. She looks bee-u-ti-ful in red. I can't wait to see in her in pig tails!! Yay!!
That happened to my boy at 1 and a half. I'm sorry. It's rough. She definitely is adorable though. Definitely.
You are so, so funny! I love your blog! I'm sorry about little Scarlett! Hopefully it gets better soon!
Is this what I have to look forward to in the next few months? I hope not... :) Good luck.
Oh she's getting so big. And I could totally hear your voice in my head while reading that which made it all the more comical.
If you need to someone to talk to I'm around, being lonely.
Oh and see if Spencer can set your computer so that pushing the power button doesn't turn it off (only on). Carlin did that to our computer and it has saved me quite a few fights with Samuel.
I don't know if I can stand by and allow such mislabeling of such a sweet little child. I think I will send Mimi right up there to intervene! Parents just don't understand grandparents' grandchildren!! I, on the other hand, am an advocate of poorly understood little granddaughters. Though I do recall when Mimi was mommy she cursed this little one's mother (when she was a misunderstood child herself) with one day having a child just like her. Didn't realize that curse would be sooo powerful that said cursed little girl now has three children just like her!! Mimi really was a witch back then!
Now if they will grow up to be as good as their mommy, I think all will turn out just fine...
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