Friday, July 23, 2010

Has it really been 2 weeks since I've posted? Goodness, that went by fast! I've actually been in Idaho (or traveling there and back) since the 13th, so that explains at least some of it. I'll do a big catch up post soon, I promise (and I also promise I'll get around to it quicker then I did last time), but in the meantime, I thought I'd share some exciting news...

no. it's not *that* news.

As a 1-time C-section and 2-time VBAC mommy, it's big news that The American Congress of Obstetrician and Gynecologists has just released new, less restrictive guidelines for VBACs (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean). The guidelines direct doctors to allow and even encourage previous C-sections mothers (including those who have had 2 previous c-sections or are pregnant with twins) to seriously consider a trial of labor (in the hopes of having a VBAC). The guidelines remind doctors in strong wording that VBACs are a very safe option, stating that "A VBAC avoids major abdominal surgery, lowers a woman's risk of hemorrhage and infection, and shortens postpartum recovery. It may also help women avoid the possible future risks of having multiple cessareans such as hysterectomy, bowel and bladder injury, transfusion, infection, and abnormal placenta conditions (placenta previa and placenta accreta)." While I don't know if it'll change much when it comes to VBAC bans in hospitals (something I had to deal with for Georgia's and Scarlett's births), I do think it's a definite step in the right direction.

Read more about it here and here.


Catherine said...

YOU WERE IN IDAHO AND DIDN"T SToP BY? rude! very good news on the VBAC front! maybe you won't have to travel so far next time!

Alabama Apples said...

Wahooo! What a difference from what they were teaching. I like it...and I like what it says to women out there. There have been so many women out there who have wanted to try and weren't allowed. Hooray!

The Dooley Family said...

Yay!! That makes so much more sense! Plus it allows women who's first baby was a c-section to have more kids! How perfect! Hopefully hospitals start changing things! I'm still so worried about ending up with a c-section with our first (one of the reasons i'm going with an ever-so-patient midwife who'll let me labor it out and not rush to an unneeded c-section), and this makes me feel a whole lot better! Thanks so much! :o)

Dirk and Trish said...

It's definitely a good step. Things have changed so much that many of the risks of a VBAC are no longer there, while the risks of surgery are still very present. I like that it's worded as 'major abdominal surgery," as too many people consider it so routine they dismiss any potential risk of a c-section. (For clarification, I am very glad c-sections can be done when necessary, but also glad that fewer people may face unnecessary ones in the future)

Megan said...

i like this! hope ob's actually listena and try to follow recommendations. i love using nurse midwives, so hopefully wherever i'm living i can always find a good one.

Aubrey said...

Cool - I still dream of having VBACs. I don't know if this would change my doctor's mind though. And like you said, the hospital's mind.

Caldwell Family said...

Fabulous news!! I'll remember that for the next one to come along! Thanks for posting it!