Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Nuddy Pants Oak and his mad skills

Poor Oak seems to get often overlooked.  I suppose that's what happens when you're one of many.  Tonight, Spencer took the 3 older hoodlums out sledding.  Oak didn't really enjoy it much last time (at least after the sled tipped over onto him mid-ride :P), so he stayed home and hung with me.  I gave him a bath, a few extra cuddles, and put him to bed early.  It was nice to be able to focus all my attention on just the littlest for a bit.  While bathing him, I had my book out to read like normal, but then, instead, I brought out the camera instead.  I can't honestly remember if I have any bathtub pictures of Oak as a baby, which, ya know, kind of makes me sad.  He typically bathes with one or both of his older sisters and when there's multiple squirmy, wet, naughty bodies in a confined space, the camera usually stays put away (poor thing deals with enough on a day-to-day basis getting swiped to take random pictures of lalaloopsies and close-shots up noses.  It's not long for this world, that's for sure).  Anyway, so I pulled out the camera and took a few shots.  On a whim, I also took a short video clip to show off his mad speaking skills.  Ok, so maybe they're not super-mad, but they're much-improved since we started speech at the beginning of January.  He knows over a half-dozen signs, says well over a dozen words, says a few animal sounds, and is starting to babble a little bit too.  Overall, vast, vast improvement.  I just thought I'd share for those interested in seeing it. Enjoy!

If you're ever on the phone with me and you hear a squalling, angry Oak, this is the face that goes with it.  He had just figured out I was withholding skittles from him.
(what, you don't keep skittles in the pocket of your cardigan?)

He was much happier after I gave him the goods

And now for the video...

The End


Sheffer's said...

He's doing amazingly well!!!! Go Oak!! :) I'm so proud of him.

Holly said...

He's doing great! I think he's about 2 months younger than Grayson and not much behind him. He's meow and ribbit are much better :)

Alabama Apples said...

oh, he's so stinkin' cute. Auntie would never withhold treats from him...unless it was my soda, which I may or may not hide in a brown bag...
I'm glad he's made improvements! It's amazing what a little bit of specialized help can do. I love, love, love him!!! Hugs, squeezes and mushy kisses from Auntie Lib

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens!!! He is doing so. well!! I can't believe how much improvement he has made since I've seen him last--leaps and bounds!! Yay, Oakie!!! So, so awesome! Give him loves from Auntie!! I miss you all so much!!

Kim said...

Ah! He is so darn cute! And he's getting to be such a big boy! It's a good thing you are coming to visit soon-otherwise I would be forced to spend money I don't have by coming to see you! Seriously--encore! encore! I can't get enough of these cuties!

Aubrey said...

For some reason I thought I had commented on this post. I love that kid and except for meeting him once when he was a baby I've never seen him except through your blog. He's adorable Whit.

Also - I don't know if I mentioned but I did the question thing-y with my kids too (inspired by you of course). It was a hoot and something I think I will start doing every year too.