Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I was driving to the library yesterday with the 3 youngest in tow and the Lumineers "Ho Hey" song was on. Scarlett was singing along, Oak was screaming, "Mama, turn up! Turn UP!!" at the top of his lungs...and the world was perfect.  It struck me how much the chorus reminded me of my 5 babies.

I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweetheart
I belong with you, you belong with me, you're my sweet

'cause they are and they do.

I know I whine a lot about the mowglis and this crazy ride called Mamahood, but I really do love it and I really do love them.

At the end of the day, we were made for each other.

I belong with them, they belong with me.

So, this is dedicated to you, my little ones.


holyoak said...

I'd say you've found your "Whitney" with this post. I love it. Some songs just say the right things. I cannot hear "Cowboy Take Me Away" without being taken away to stake dances and dancing with with you. I love you and I love your family. I love this post. I even loved the last one even though you felt it was a bit off. Life at times is just a bit off.

Thank you for sharing your life. I for one so much prefer the personal touch of a blog, and/or Spencer's emails, than the half penny's worth of a tweet or a full penny's worth of a FB post. Hardly worth the time to look at them. Keep it up as long as you can my dear one.

Aubrey said...

This is why I love you and your kids.

P.S. Funny that your Dad mentioned Cowboy Take Me Away" because I was seriously thinking of that song and you and your Dad the other day.