On our way to church this morning, I realized by happy chance my kids all coordinated. I had both the girls wear their dressy velvety-taffeta dresses and kind of look alike that way, but Ezra matching was total coincidence. As Ezra usually throws a fit whenever I try to coordinate him with the girls, I figured I'd take a few matchy-matchy shots while I had the chance.
Before we go any further, I have to warn you that you're going to see some hideous dead flowers on my porch. I always intended to plant some mums in place of the dead ones, but just never got around to it...just imagine some pretty gold and red mums in the flower bucket. So consider yourself warned.
It started off by Georgia refusing to get off the ground.
Oh...and my lens was smudgy.
It was at this point in time that I gave up and went inside exasperated. I'm a big baby, I know, but it just wasn't my day. My husband, bless his heart, kept on truckin' on for my sake.
Once Georgia decided to cooperate (only semi-cooperate of course 'cause she wouldn't reallly smile because she was exhausted from a couple of late nights), things took a turn for the better.
Especially once Scarlett got in on the act.
Eventually Ezra surfaced for air to bring me a dandelion he had found. Spencer managed to convince him that I'd appreciate beautiful pictures of him even more than a "beautiful flower to put in [my] hair".
I don't know if it counts for beautiful, but I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating chips (well...actually, I probably would :P).
And my personal fave...
Hey, it looks like your background got screwed up like mine! You need to go to the background blog and download it again. I guess they were having issues with something. :D Missed talking to you at church today!
I'm laughing right with you... I know how it goes with 3 active little ones and pictures. Keep trying though - every 200 or so and you'll get one good one....
ok, that last picture just kills me. Can Scarlett raise her eyebrow like that normally?
I love Scarlett's expression in the last one! I can't take one picture of Isabella being darling for the camera, let alone three!
Way to go Spencer for sticking it out and getting some great pics!
Hee, hee, hee...still laughing. It was a valiant effort-for sure. Your kiddos are so beautiful!! I can see why you would have wanted group shots. Their outfits are adorable!! Where did you get the girls' dresses?! You got some good ones, though...although I am still chuckling about some of them. ;) Ahhh, good times, good times.
Well, at least you tried! And your kids are all beautiful- love the dresses!
I think all your hard work paid off, they look darling!
Those were soooo goood! Scarlett was priceless in the last shot. Something to put in the scrapbook for when they are older!
Hahahaha Whit - you're kids are adorable. Yay for patient hubbys who realize how important things are to us even when we are too frustrated and just give up.
Great post - pretty much sums up ALL of our photo taking sessions. Every. Single. One!
I have a friend that continually has gorgeous photos of all three of her children. It's a good thing there are perfect people in this world. And it's an even better thing that there are people like us to make other people feel normal!
Love ya!
You're inspirational. I haven't attempted a all-three-kids picture yet. But it's coming up for Christmas and I'm already scheming of ways to get them to hold still and look at the camera. ideas?
We all know how miserably I fail at this..Sasquatch anyone? Anyway, I love how you captured it with the pictures! Your children are so beeeautiful! Those dresses are fabulous, too! I adore the last picture, but my favs are Georgie on the ground and Ez stomping away...classic!! :)
oh man, that last one slays me! She looks so much like you.
Well, I'd say the mother's curse is still intact. I recall a graduation from veterinary school when someone, whom we'll call baby doll (more or less, considerably less than more) had nothing to do with taking happy pictures. And we have the pictures to proove it. Just ask your mom!
I can't believe how big the kids are getting, all without their 'dranddad'...
Mom said the pictures are all gorgeous, not a bad one in the bunch. At least when she wasn't giggling too hard to see them.
We love you!!
Your kids are all so cute! I love the matchy outfits! Love the last pic too. I like Ezra's expression as he looks at your beautiful red and gold mums!! ;)
lol! These pictures really do paint a thousand words! Thanks for the entertaining post!
Scarlett = Derick Zoolander
oooh so sweet. These will make fantastic Christmas cards. I really like the blur
They did look so cute last Sunday. I'm glad you got in a few good shots. I love the last one! You're right, Georgia is really photogenic. Sometimes we take pictures of her in nursery on our phones. She's just adorable!
darling. absolutely darling.
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