Makeup that actually matches my skin
I've been planning on trying Almay's smart shade foundation ever since a friend of mine, Megan, recommended it, but just never seemed to get around to it. Well, last night, after seeing they were throwing a concealer in for free, I splurged a little and finally bought it. If I had known how much I'd love it, I would tried it a loooong time ago.
So now, after all of these years, my mother, who has always been convinced I wear too light a shade of makeup, can rest assured that my foundation does, in fact, match my skin.
Fabulous Mommy Jewelry
Spencer, very uncharacteristically, surprised me with one of these (from here):
Can I just say how absolutely in love I am with this necklace...and of course with the guy that gave it to me ;)
Baby teeth
After 9.5 months of waiting, Scarlett finally has a tooth! yay! yay! yay! It's barely visible to the naked eye, but I promise it's there. A random old lady in JoAnn's noticed her half-tooth the other day and I could've just about kissed her (the fact that she thought my kids were adorable didn't hurt either). The downside of a tooth nubbin? Said nubbin can cut the skin while nursing and cause much infection, swelling and pain. hurt like h*ll.Georgia is also fiiiinally getting her bottom canine teeth in. Her top ones have yet to make an appearance. I'm very relieved. I was beginning to worry she was part of a select group of kids our pediatrician mentioned that just never get some of their baby teeth know the kind, 'round here we fondly refer to them as Okies.

Sleeping in on Sunday mornings
My husband is sweet enough to often let me sleep in on Sunday mornings. This is always much appreciated. Well...almost always. When I wake up to this, I can't say I wouldn't have preferred to supervise.
(there's that face of Georgia's again...)
My daughter, the Art Historian
Fast-forward to a visit to one of Kansas City's finest (not to mention FREE) art museums, the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. We were walking around the grounds (also known as the Kansas City Sculpture Park), looking at a piece done by sculptor Henry Moore, Relief No. 1.
This extremely abstract piece is a depiction of a woman standing with her weight on her left hip and her right knee jutting forward. The viewer usually cannot just see the woman in the piece and Moore intended it that way. He desired to have an intentional ambiguity of form and expressed that desire when he said that the “non-logical, instinctive, subconscious part of [the viewer’s] mind must play a part” in understanding the piece.
Anyway, leave it to my two year old, to walk up and immediately recognize the sculpture as a naked woman. Georgia looked at the sculpture, looked at me, and asked, "Why she naked? She have no clothes! That's silliness, Mommy." To double check, I asked Georgia to point out the lady's knee to me, and sure enough, she pointed out both with no problem and then went on and pointed out her torso. We then discussed the location of the rest of her body parts. While I realize it was most definitely a fluke, that one conversation absolutely made my day.
WooHoo for making it through another one of my uber-posts! Have a fabulous day!
I love that, kids are amazing. They are able to accept so many things adults can't. Like I meet too many adults who say they can't draw but every kid believes they are artists.
Woohoo! I'm so glad you tried that makeup and liked it! It is one of my best finds ever. Yay!!!!
Jacob is just barely getting his cainines too. He teeth look just like Georgia's. At least he's not the only one.
And love the necklace! Cute kiddos!
I am in LOVE with that necklace. Now I want one!!!!
Love that you posted!!! Yeah for you!!! So- I want to try that make-up and now that we know it works (thanks guinea pig!) I'll have to get me some. WHAT a STUD your babe is! I wanna necklace, too!! Love them!!! I love your posts, you always make me smile. Love Georgia's baring her teeth, that lil' toot is always great for a laugh. Scarlett looks so grown up. I can't wait until Christmas! you all!!!
I guess I need to try that make up too! and I love that necklace! How nice that you get to sleep in.
Go Georgia! I see a future art historian in the works. I love that necklace, btw. Great taste, Spencer.
Oh yay, yay, for necklaces and new teeth. And I don't think it was a fluke, I think you have a future artiste on your hands. Sigh, I love art.
Love this post!! It made me smile the whole way through. Yay for makeup that works! Isn't that the BEST!!
Very cute pictures of the kids. Made my day!! Soooo...does Georgia just bare her teeth for pictures these days?? :)
Thank you for understanding the sleeping in thing. It's like "thanks, Honey...and yet....". So understand.
Look at your little historian. Somehow not terribly surprised that she leans that way. What a little imp she is. Can't wait to see you all. Miss and love you terribly.
Georgia is crackin' me up baring her teeth like that!
ps...i have had a necklace like that saved in my favorite for over's by lisa leonard designs...lllloooovvve it!
that is MAJOR brownie points for spence.
Okay, I'm trying and I can definitely get the "essence" of woman from that sculpture, but the minute I try and put together pieces, I'm lost. So she's definitely on to something! Yea! And aren't you loving exploring KC? We'll have to meet up the next time I get up there. Miss you!
So funny! Loved this post. Yay for Georgia and the art. I definitely didnt see a woman until pointed out.
I'm so glad you love it and how sweet that he surprised you!!!
Love the necklace - and a surprise from the hubby - even better!
And the first pic of Scarlett - an oh so sweet girl version of Ezra - love it!
The makeup - now that I've heard two testmonies to how wonderful it is I'm just gonna have to splurge as well!!!
Can I tell you I love the music on your blog?? I've just had it playing in the background and it's perfect.
What a fun post this was! Especially the part about little Georgia and the exhibitionist sculpture!? Kids are hilarious!
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