You are so much fun, Little Miss. You love all things pink and sparkly (of course) but most things rough-and-tumble too. You have zero issue with playing in the mud in your high heels and tiara. I love that about you. You were born to break stereotypes (just like the one that girls are easier to potty-train then boys. You blew that one out of the water :P). You've finally started getting into pretending you're a mommy and playing house. I think it's something that being around Scarlett has taught you since it comes so naturally to her. I love to see the two of you being Mommies together. Georgia, you ADORE dancing and singing and would do it all day, everyday if you could. You're even constantly trying to dance in the aisle during the hymns at church. You love to sing along to Lover, Lover by Jerrod Niemann, Lesley Gore's Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows, Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus (you call it the Butterfly Song), Justin Bieber's Baby (I swear I had nothing to do with it. You starting liking that one all on your own), Simon and Garfunkel's Cecilia, and Golden by Mika. You are very into princesses (what little girl isn't, really?), with your current fave being The Little Mermaid. I hope you'll never grow out of the knowledge that you are truly a heavenly princess, a daughter of the celestial king.
Out of all of my children, you, Georgia, my Georgia, are the most like me. You talk like me, fight like me, and think like me (note the talking one is in expression only, since your natural smoker's voice is all your own ;). If it was possible for a mama to have a not-so-little piece of herself walking around in the big ol' world all on her own, you would be it, Georgia Me. I worry about the day you realize our similarities and start rebelling against them, as daughters are prone to do. As much as the thought breaks my heart, you wouldn't be you if you didn't have that mile-wide defiant streak and struck out on your own in the world. Remember, my Georgia, being stubborn and defiant is a good thing, if you are stubborn and defiant for the right things. It's what Grandad always told me and I'm telling you.
We love you, Georgie Porgie, Puddin' and Pie! The mere thought of you makes me smile. You add sparkle wherever you go and we're so darn happy you're in our family! Happy Birthday, Birthday Girl!
Here's to you, Darlin'...