Thursday, June 25, 2009

I promise there is an uber-post on it's soon as I unpack all these boxes. In the meantime, here's this little tidbit of goodness:

I realized today that I have somehow managed to train my barely two year old to bring me not only her empty sippy, but also the half-empty gallon of milk that she has gotten out of the fridge by herself, whenever she wants a drink. I don't know if that makes me incredibly lazy or just incredibly smart.

possibly both.


Aubrey said...

I started wondering what happened to you. I miss your fun posts! I think that your child bringing you an empty sippy cup and milk is definitely a sign of intelligence. I think that is awesome!!!

Alabama Apples said...

Way to go!!! Soon she will be doing the dishes, cleaning the toilets...the possibilities are endless!

Adrienne said...

That made me laugh. Just yesterday, I walk into the kitchen and Jacob is making his own chocolate milk. He had already poured the milk and was emptying the chocolate. And he didn't do too badly I might add. Just a little clean up.

Good for you. It's a teaching moment, not laziness.

Ready for that super post!

Anonymous said...

Puuuleeezzze don't make me wait for the uber post until you are done unpacking!!!! ;)
I'm not sure who smarter...Georgia or us. I think that she has us all eating out of the palm of her hand. She sits gleefully giggling in her room thinking to herself how she has us all wrapped around her pinky. (btw...just thinking about Georgia giggling to herself makes me laugh) Love her too much to think about right now. Miss you and can't wait to see you soon!

Jeff & Erin said...

My two year old does the same thing! It works pretty well for when I am nursing and have a hard time going into the kitchen to help, except when the lid to the juice pitcher isn't shut quite tight- then we have a bit of a mess :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens I just read the funniest thing and I HAD to share. Phillip and I looked up the def. of "rabble-rouser" after we read your comment. It is: one that stirs up the masses of the people. Hilarious.

Anonymous said...

No, no!! We both TOTALLY knew the def. of the word...and always got and very much enjoyed your jokes. Phillip and I were discussing if it was "rebel" or "rabble" rouser. We both thought you were right, but Phillip was curious. I got a huge kick out of the "technical" def. Still makes me smile thinking about it...and Jos carrying it out. Hee, hee.

The Wright's said...

Definitely smart. Never ever say the "other word!"

Erica said...

Pure Genius!