Victoria's Secret now sells nursing bras!!! Words cannot even express how excited I am about this new development. I hate regular nursing bras so much-somehow I always end up looking saggy in them, no matter how big or small I might be at that particular time. The only bug in my icecream is that the sizing only goes down to a B and right now I'm pretty sure I'm an A. That's okay, however, because there will be a next time and I'll be all over them then. Have a fabulous day!
What?! I wish they would have been selling them while I was nursing! This is really good to know for next time though. Thanks for the info:)
That's great news for women, but when is Victoria's Secret going to open up their line to the husky gentlemen of this world? All I'm asking is for a little equality here. Is that too much to ask?
That is good to know for next time. I could use a good nursing bra next time around
That is fantastic news! Thanks so much for the info, I am going to head over there asap:)
Wow! I'm very excited as I haven't been too impressed with the options available. Please tell me that you aren't an A while nursing? If so, I'm mad at you! I have monster breasts and I haven't even started nursing yet!!
This is wondeful!
Woohoo!!!! I am so saving up my money for one of those! This is the some of the best news yet!
Holly-oddly enough I am. I got fairly big w/Ezra, but I shrink quickly after the first few months. I never even got past a C cup w/Georgia, even right after she was born. It sounds pleasant, but when I'm done nursing, I might as well be wearing a training bra:P
Wahoooo!!!!!! How about us going shopping in hell (as my mom calls vs) when you're here? Needs me a cute nursing bra!
Dang yo, those are super cute!! That's it. We're going.
Hey fellow itty bitty club member. I am excited for the new nursing bras ---- for when I have another baby (maybe). until then, I am left with smaller girls than I had when I was 15 years old. ahhhh the joys of nursing 4 babies. - wait, did I say JOY, I ment frustration. lol
that is just about the best news ever!!!
when i got my current nursing bra from Motherhood (which is now 45 min. away from our home) i was a 36 E (yes I wrote E !!! ) and now i am still nursing but am most definitely in the a or b range. so let's just say my 2 bras are a tad big at the moment.
i'm gonna have to check it out immediately.
Yeah, the nursing bras I had were so thin I had to wear nursing pads just to not show too much. I love the animal print one!
WOW! Now if only I looked as good as the models do in the photos!
Yippee!! Thanks for the awesome discovery!! I (we) will have to go check them out real soon!
Yeah!!! Next go-around I'll be looking!
I've got nothing. Nothing to say at all.
One day there will be beautiful nice bras for us women who aren't so well-endowed! Until then, we can only wait and hope! It is excited to see nice nursing bras though. I didn't realize that you live in these things, they should at least be nice!
Hey Whitney, this is one of Spencer's many cousins, Gretchen. I love your blog, your hilarious!! Your kids are super cute too. That is great about the bras...its about time.
No way Whitney! VS STOLE my idea! Me and Rachel (Russell) were trying on bras at VS two weeks ago and she was saying "I wish they had nursing bras" and I was like "girl, lets write them and sell this idea" and then I bet their employee called them and told them about OUR idea! Dang!
But in the end, it's a good thing!
And your family is more beautiful than EVER! :)
What?! And just when I had decided to stop nursing too! Aint that always the way? Well at least I know the next time around I'll have more options.
I wonder if they'll be included in their semi-anual sale!
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