Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
To shine for Him each day
In every way try to please Him
At home, at school, at play...
This last Sunday, Ezra became our very own little Sunbeam (he went into Primary a week late because we were out of town the week before and didn't want to have to deal with trying to transisition him in an unfamiliar ward). As Ezra has been a Sunbeam for almost a full week now, I've had time to contimplate his new title (although don't call him a Sunbeam, he insists it something he becomes at Church and then stops being as soon as he leaves the building and gets upset when anyone contradicts him [insert eye roll here]). As I've done this, it's become more and more apparent to me just why they call my little three year old a "ray of sunlight". While Ezra is often a little raincloud, he is more often literally a little sunbeam illuminating our home. He makes me laugh and smile when I really just don't want to. Whether he's dancing around to ABBA, going granola while watching The Lorax over...and over...and over, giving his baby sister lots of kisses, or informing me that The Grinch "gives [him] the creeps," I just can't help but smile at my little ray of sunshine.
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I’ll be a sunbeam for Him.
On a completely different note...
Many of you, I'm sure, have heard of the recent Facebook controversy over banned breastfeeding photos. If you haven't, here's a link to a newstory about it (here's another one that's a little more slanted in a pro-breastfeeding direction). Here's my take:
I'm a big fan of breastfeeding. As I'm currently raising my third nurser in three years, one could say that I'm pretty comfy with The Girls. I long ago decided that it wasn't worth the hassle to go find a empty room, freezing car, or bathroom stall to nurse in, and have since started to nurse whereever I happen to be when the baby gets hungry, whether it be at the mall, on an airplane, or (heaven forbid) in sacrament meeting (and, according to some, scaring deacons the country over ;). I'm fairly discreet while doing it, but I can't promise I haven't ever accidentally flashed anyone. Frankly, I don't care if it offends someone, it's my right to feed my child anywhere I want, anytime I want. Which is why the fact that Facebook bans any nursing photo that it deems too revealing is so darn offensive to me. While I'm probably not going to take pictures of me nursing my child and post them on a Facebook account, but I still very much, in my opinion, have the right to. Will someone please explain to me while it's completely acceptable for them to show pictures of pre-teens making out in bikinis while drinking beer, but a woman lovingly nursing her newborn is not kosher? While I realize that Facebook is a private company and can make any rules it wants, that doesn't mean they *should*. In sum, if it makes you terribly uncomfortable to see a woman breastfeeding her baby, whether in real life or cyberspace, simply don't look.
I'm a big fan of breastfeeding also- and think women should be able to nurse anywhere they want. But I do think we should try to be discreet about it. With that in mind, I have to say I'm more on the Facebook side of the argument. I don't think they're saying that women shouldn't breastfeed - they just don't want pictures of nipples on their site. And we don't pay for facebook, so it is their discretion what they allow on there. But... I don't know why some pics are allowed and others aren't. There are plenty of other indecent photos. That is baffling to me also.
Ahhh - Ezra is a little ray of sunshine. I just love his smile. And you've already heard my opinion about the Facebook controversy.
One more step on the path to a grown up little boy. Was it as hard for you as it was for me? I'm a big sap though.
We still have a whole year until our ray of sunlight is official. She really does light up a room, and our lives, in so many ways.
There are swimsuits that show way more than is exposed while nursing usually, unless you happen to be topless. It's our stupid society and the belief that "we" have of breasts as sexual instead of functional. (sigh)
Yah this facebook thing is way overboard. Just the other week my friend took some pregnant photos and the photographer was asked to remove htem from her blog because someone thought they were "pornographic". Lame. How come being pregnant, creating life is porn? I agree with you, if you don't want to look, don't!
That's wonderful. We have a little sunbeam here as well. I just haven't posted it yet! This is such a fun time in their litte lives.
He is so Cute, by the way!
You go girl!! I personally have no opinion at all about the whole breast feeding thing...but having once been a sunbeam, (you know, back when we drew on cave walls and stuff for Primary), I have to give a shout out to Ezra. Congratulations Bro!
Yay Ezra!
I'm with you on the breastfeeding thing. I've only breastfed one, but I never apologize for doing it. I have the nursing cover and try to be discreet, but if it makes someone uncomfortable, I say they need to grow up. That's what they were made for!
Cute kid you got there! I'm scared for the time when Ian is big enough to be in Sunbeams (Partially cause Brian was a sunbeam teacher for 6 months and said they were pretty rowdy boys), but I guess our kids have to grow up eventually.
As far as the breastfeeding issue, I agree with you. I wish that I had been able to breast feed my children, but as I was not, I didn't get the bonding time like most were able to. Like most people who have commented here, I can't understand how people can post almost naked girls in skimpy cloths doing who knows what, but when they see a nursing mother or pregnant woman it's all of a sudden porn. We just live in a very obscure time in this worlds existence and those things that are good are turned to be bad and bad to be good. Satan is working exceptionally hard in these times of our lives. Thank goodness we can choose for ourselves and follow/agree with what we know to be right.
I agree with what was previously know me and my views. Give your not-a-sunbeam-out of church loves from his auntie. Gav has made the transition well, which is a relief. I love Ez and all of his quirks...aren't our kiddies quirky?! The Grinch gives him the creeps Heehee. I love little raincloud and ray of sunshine. Give him kisses from me!!!
Seriously, would someone please force facebook tot ake an art history class so they can learn the differences between an image meant to arouse (ie the 16 yr olds with their boobies hanging out) and one that depcits the natural, loving bond between mother and child? Sheesh, some people are so unlearned and uncultured.
I miss you terribly and have decided that next time we are in the same town, we are going to IKEA. I have got to have some real time with you :) Darn the miles between us.
AMEN sister! While I am not involved at all in the facebook world, I agree with you 100%. Question, are you able to post a picture of a nursing calf or piglets or puppies or kittens? Cause, it's the same thing people.
Ahhhh, who doesn't love a little bit of controversy to get the comments flowing. ;) You know how I stand...
I too love your little sunbeam. He is such a sweet spot in my life. I wouldn't trade the time that we have been able to be close for anything in the world.
Watch out beams from the sun can also burn down a home.
I completely agree with you on breastfeeding.
Em is finally in Sunbeams now. I wish that they would move them in when they turn three instead of making them wait (in Em's case) 11 months to move in. She was so bored in nursery.
Huzzah for you! If you have been following my blog for a while you know just where I stand on this issue.
I just had to take another peak at your beautiful kiddies. Give them loves from Auntie. I miss you!!!
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