When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
When the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don't feel so bad
In my house:
My new(ish) sign hanging up over my entertainment center
My latest project (excuse the glare)
(ps-this picture makes my shelf look bowed; it's actually not)
The mod podged shabby chic "S" for Scarlett in the girls' room. The mini ric-rac isn't my fav, but I had it on hand.
With the In-Laws:
(Spencer's twin brother and sister came out to visit at the beginning of August, with his parents following at the end)
Trips to Sonic for slushes
(horrible picture, I know, but it was the only one where you could see all of us)
With the In-Laws:
(Spencer's twin brother and sister came out to visit at the beginning of August, with his parents following at the end)
(horrible picture, I know, but it was the only one where you could see all of us)
(Kim came in 3rd for the womens division and Kyle came in 5th for the mens. This was particularly impressive because it was their first hard-core trail run and they were competing again much more experienced trail runners, not to mention their bodies weren't used to the humidity at all. yay! yay! Kim and Kyle!)
With my side in Amarillo:
Cadillac Ranch...
Bedhead, in general...
Back home again:
This would be my offical not favorite thing...
I love the house decor, you and I have similar style big bold, yet simple design. By the way I love the Plaza in KC, especially in December. And your kids are adorable even when they've been caught.
I love your house! I can wait for the day when Bella does such things to the carpet!
Your kids are some of my favorite things...as well as you and your husband.
But what the heck is Ric-Rac?
Love your decor!!! So cute! And Ezra's bed-head is what Gav's hair looks like PERMANENTLY!!! Silly cowlicks! I feel your pain about the carpet, G and the boy I used to nanny got gold tole paint in my carpet, then the next week got marker in the exact same spot! Kids I tell ya! Your kids are gorgeous! Great job lady!
You are quick and kind! Thank you!
So-your posts always make me smile and laugh! Little purple-handed diva...bed hair...everything!!!
I LOVE your decorations! I can't wait to come see them in person...not sure when, but we WILL. You did fabulously on the silhouettes. Beautiful Georgia curls.
I can't believe how much hair Scarlie has! Crazy-I haven't seen you all for so long. Give your beautiful, well-loved family kisses from me!
PS-How much did your organized crime ring gather from the fountain? Maybe I want to get in on the biz and I'll send my disarmingly cute beasties up to add to my personal coffers. ;)
Such cute decor! Did you do the silhouettes by printing the picture and then cutting and painting it. They turned out fabulous!
Love when family visit! Your kiddos are A-d-o-r-a-b-l-e! Can you really get mad at the cute purple handed Georgia? :-) Doesn't that sweet sweet smile make it all go away?
You have the funniest kids!
And you're a super mom cleaning up that stuff. What most people don't realize is that while you're cleaning up that emergency, the kids are creating another one somewhere else most likely. Sneaky little buggers. That's what I call my kids all the time.
Keep the pic coming!
Ahhhh, THIS post was one of my favorite things!!! It was all fantastic! It was so much fun seeing your decor. I luu-uuv the sillouttes!! You did a fabulous job! I am so impressed at your modge-podging skills. The "s" was super-cute!
So. Georgia made Phillip and me seriously laugh-out-loud and her homeless man getup. Oh my heck those hair pictures were hilarious. Ella was like, "I am sooo over this"...but then again what's new. ;) We loved it.
Naughty, naughty, naughty little inkers. Ahhh, I would've have skinned them! So naughty! I'm sure you kept your cool. ;) You're good like that. :)
your poor carpet...at least you got it all on camera for blackmailing later!
I love your decorations!!!
Yay for cute decorations - I might just feel inspired enough to decorate my house. And your kids are hilarious.
I love it all -so fun!
I love it all -so fun!
Your new background is so fabulous!! Fallish (check), shabby-chic (check), super-duper cute (check)...I think all your bases are covered. :)
I am not at all surprised that Georgia did that, lol. Not that she does anything like that in nursery. She's so cute. Thanks for finding me!
Hey Whitney!
I have something I need to send you if you would email me your address. thanks! My email is: bmcaldwell@hotmail.com. Thanks!
P.S. - I really like your music. Can I just steal your playlist?
Wow I didn't know Kim and Kyle ran, and did so well.
sorry about the ink mess, your kids are adorable.
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