Sunday, April 11, 2010

Spencer's girl on the side

I'm afraid to report, Spencer has a bit of a mistress. She steals him away from me every night between the hours of 2:00am-4:30am. She's thinner, smarter, more well-read, and much, much cheaper then me. Not only that, but she leaves her smudgy marks all over him. I suppose I've come to terms with can't beat a little extra summin' summin' in the bank each week...

You didn't think Spencer was a corner-worker, did you?! Well, he's not. In fact, Spencer is one of the Kansas City Star's newest paper boys (kind of makes me sound like a cradle robber, doesn't it?).

For the record, no, we're not in the poor house. We've just accrued more than a little student loan debt after 5 years in school together (4 of which were spent on one income with small extra mouths to feed and bodies to cloth...not to mention bottoms to diaper), and we wouldn't mind getting a bit of a head start on paying it off. Despite holding a job throughout undergraduate and graduate school, managing an apartment complex, and donating over 50 gallons of plasma, we still managed to accrue enough debt to hit us with nearly $500 monthly payments to Uncle Sam. As much as it bites having Spencer go to bed at 8:00/8:30 every night and having a lonely bed in the wee hours of the morning, it bites even more realizing we'll be paying a chunk of our paycheck towards loans well into my children's teenage years. When faced with that alternative, I'll take the empty bed and lonely evenings, thank you very much (you didn't think I'd actually go to bed with him at 8:00 every night, did you?! No siree, not this night owl).

So, while Spencer works to pay off debt and possibly save a little on the side towards a down-payment for a house (we're still wishy-washy on that one), I'll be spending my evenings all by my lonesome. Don't be surprised if you get a lot more random blog posts, comments, and emails from me. I figure if Spencer has his chica on the side, my computer can keep me warm at night too.


Kristin Hanson said...

What a smart idea. Luckily, we were able to keep our school loans to a minimum, but the idea of paying them off quickly with a not too strenuous side job is a fabulous idea. Looking forward to more posts from you - makes you seem less far away :)

Katie Rod said...

Yeah, we hear ya in the loan department. Not really looking forward to that day of reckoning, but it's apart of young married life with kids and grad school. And he made the front page?? pretty sweet.

Melanie said...

What an excellent idea! Student loans, I'm afraid, will haunt our future, too. I guess if you're going to have sleepless nights over them, you might as well make some money while you're up. Good luck to both of you!

Christal said...

Oh, Girlie! We'll be right there beside ya on the student loan re-payment plan!!! I just have to say that I'm so thankful for a hubby who has a strong work ethic and is willing to "Do" anything (no pun intended!)to take care of our family! :)

Chrissy said...

ha ha ha you do sound like a cradle robber.

Aubrey said...

I think that's a great idea, and am seriously half tempted to do something like that myself. And to be honest, I was trying to figure out who in the world was more well-read than you, no one that I know! ;)

Nicole said...

I love the way you write. Very expressive and entertaining. Thank you for sharing! What a great way to earn an extra buck and benefit your family in the long run. A lot of people let their pride stand in the way of such things so I am very inspired by this post.

The Dooley Family said...

you are SOO funny!! I love your updates! I loved the 50 gallons of funny! Mitch knows that all too well! (I'm hypoglycemic and now pregnant...they don't want my plasma!) With med school ahead of us, we'll be right there with ya :o) Right now we're in the accruing and budgeting loan money's not that fun, knowing the money isn't actually ours! It makes us think about what we spend it on and how much we spend, though!

Gretch said...

Great post-you always make me laugh! Spencer is awesome for doing this, what a guy!

I hear ya on the student loans, I cringe every time we get the quarterly reminders stating that we owe even more than last time thanks to interest. I usually just file it away but sometimes I take a peek to see how much money we owe, It always makes me sick to think about! Just know there will always be someone else out there that owes more than you...which is probably us.

Brittany Hooper said...

you have a hardworking husband! he is a goodman. Hope it doesnat last long. hey check out my blog

maybe we can catch up.

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

Whitney--What a cleverly written post! The things we do to pay off student loans! Spencer is lucky to have such a supportive wife. Congratulations on YW. I have been the secretary in all 3 Women's organizations of the church. It is a good gig and you will love Kamian and Ruth--two of my favorite contemporaries!!!

Your kids are too cute not too kiss! Ezra is so well-behaved in primary class and so attentive to detail!

Zachary said...

Way to go guys! I think that is fantastic!

Unknown said...

i look forward to more random blog posts from you then... cuz you are just darn right hilarious.

Unknown said...

i look forward to more random blog posts from you then... cuz you are just darn right hilarious.

Monica Lifferth said...

Yuck, yuck, and yuck. I hate student loans. We are about to dive head first into a butt load of loans. *sigh* oh well. It's for a good cause. :o)

holyoak said...
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holyoak said...


Not to dampen your pity party, but wow, what a good husband! In a few years Ezra will be helping with that job and it will be his missionary fund builder. Make sure you take a few minutes of each lonely evening and thank your Heavenly Father for a husband who will do all of that and then some! Mom and I am are so blessed to have the sons-in-law that we do. Cute post though, it is fun to see how you express your situations! That expressiveness sure bubbles out of your little gene carriers!

Sure do love you all!