Poor little neglected blog readers (I still have some, right?). Did ya know I
actually had to schedule time to update. I had ignore my new accounts on
pinterest and
facebook (I know, I know, I eventually caved under the pressure of joining the 21st century), the laundry, the dishes, my hair, my children (what, you don't neglect your children for the sake of the blog? goody two shoes.), unfinished sewing, the tempting haystacks the kids and I made last night
(although I can't promise you there isn't peanut butter smudges on the keyboard. sorry, spence.), etc, etc, etc.
I hope you feel special.
Now...onto the post.
yay! yay!, I have a new
formspring question to answer!
I wish I was the holder of potty training knowledge eternal, but alas, I am not. I've managed to potty train 3 stubborn little hooligans, but a lot of it was luck rather then knowledge. That being said, I'll share whatever little insight I've gained with you.
The single most important thing I've found is that they have to be ready. When they're truly ready, things go smoothly. If they aren't, they'll fight it every friggin' step of the way. You can read book after book on the signs that a child is ready to potty-train, but in the end only they can decide to do it.
That being said, here's a few things I've used with varying degrees of success:
-potty sticker charts (Georgia)
-potty candy (Scarlett-that girl will do most anything for a sugar rush)
-toy rewards (Ezra)
-having to clean up their own messes (Georgia)
-pull-ups (Georgia)
-potty-seat insert (all 3)
As you can tell from the list, Georgia took the most work. Ezra and Scarlett were significantly easier. Miss G, however took a very. long. time. to potty train (we're talking well over half a year). It was messy and difficult and not fun at all. Again, readiness was an issue there, mixed with a big ol' dose of stubbornness. Which leads me to my last nugget of advice...
In the words of Mr. Churchill, "never, never, never give up." That's not to say there's not times when it's best to retreat and regroup...just that potty training sucks but you'll get through it. Stick with it. I suggest giving every serious effort a week to two weeks to take effect before taking a breather (and by effect, I don't mean 100% success. Scarlett has been in panties for nearly a year and still has accidents frequently). It might take a long time (heaven knows, 2 of my 3 kids still wear pull-ups at nights, so I'm not even done with them), but it's worth it to give each effort a good, hard try because each retreat takes it's toll. It won't be quick, it won't be easy, and it DEFINITELY won't be clean, so be prepared for that.
So, when it looks like you'll be sending your girl to the prom in diapers, just remember that every mother since the dawn of time has gone through this and has succeeded and
you will too.
I was going to post other goings-on, but it'll have to wait. It's almost time to pick up Ezra from kindergarten and Georgia from preschool and my hair is not done nor makeup on (remember the previously mentioned neglect?). I'll update again soon, though. I promise.
thanks for hanging in there.