Thursday, March 22, 2012

Who knew?

 Did you know...

A single oreo can age a guy 30 years in a single blow?

 Well, now you do.

In other news...

I recently discovered that 9+ hours a.l.o.n.e. in the car with 4 small children is surprisingly survivable.  Who knew?

...and that Chicago is a super-fun city.

 (gold star if you can spot us ;)

...and very chilly, even on record-high spring days, and prone to freak rainstorms.

(This post is proof that I'm obviously bad at taking pictures since we saw lots more in Chicago then a giant bean. promise.)

Not to mention vacations end best when you steal people away and take them home with you.

Hope y'all had as much fun on your Spring Break as we did on ours!


whitney said...

Can I love this post even if I'm in it and it's about visiting me?? May I SHOULD love it BECAUSE it's about visiting me. :) Yay, yay for surprise visits, touring Chicago (even if it said it was going to be warmer! come back when it's warmer and the water is out!) and having sister and cousin time. Love it!! Also love that I can be-bop my way down to the big 'ol KC with you!! Good times, good times. HA!! I'm STILL laughing at middle-aged Okie. Simply hilarious. Wasn't Auntie just saying yesterday that Oak looked like a little he has facial hair to boot. :)

Anonymous said...

just kidding...that was me, Steph!!

Alabama Apples said...

Love it! Now we can see Oak as an elder...heehee. I don't think I saw the bean?! Have to go in June, for sure. You sisters are so gorgeous! I'm glad you included pics of you. Love your kiddies and my other nephews and neicy. Miss you!

Jennae said...

You could have claimed Oak was baby pictures of Ezra and I would have believe you! Good thing they are both so handsome.

Megan said...

whit it's been ages since i've read blogs and i must apologize. this was too much fun to catch up on your family. you are doing so much and your family is just adorable. love it. oak is so studly and i love the old man look with his great bald head!

holyoak said...

Wonderously great post Whit! Real cool pictures. A great Spring Break for a great trip to visit a great sister on her birthday. What can be greater than that!!
The kids are sure growing. I've been missing you bunches and bunches.

Aubrey said...

Totally I thought I commented on this. I showed Carlin Oak's pictures and we both loved it and your post reminded us of the movie Source Code, have you seen it? Well ya should, with Spencer.