Here's the long-promised How Great Thou Art video. A quick warning: The first half of the video is a mess (Ez was completely distracted) so, unless you are Grandma Lifferth or one of the Aunties, who might possibly find the first half intersting, I'd suggest you just skip ahead to about 1:10. Enjoy and have a fabulous day!
Who ever said diamonds were a girl's best friend had never seen a girl's first taste of chocolate. (for all my allergy buddies out there, the chocolate we used were these. The brand name is Enjoy Life and they're completely allergen free-yay!)

Whitney - I love coming to your blog, it always cracks me up. Oh,, and it looks like we were both doing "face lifts" today on our blogs! mine is now yellow. lol
That video of Ezra is really cute. It is impressive that he knows that song at such a young age. Very Cute!
How cute! It makes me miss him so much!! Georgia is a girl after my own heart!
How cute! I love, love, love hearing Ezra sing. I could listen to him sing and I would never get tired of it. How sweet...well, literally little Georgia is. :) She did gobble that brownie up the other day...maybe a sign of "loves to come". :)
That is too stinkin' cute!! I love hearing little kids sing grown-up songs, it is always so adorable. Also, I read on Mark's blog that you are going to the Ruby's Inn Retreat and I am so excited!! It sounds like a lot of people are going this year. Should be fun. See you there :)
Ah...such cute kids.
What a cute video. Ezra is such a little cutie! I would have to agree with you that chocolate is really a girl's best friend...and it's way more afordable!
Very good singing. I love how he can roll and pop back up and keep singing. And by the way, good job Spencer! Nice singing -we'll be looking forward to a special musical # from your family.
This is an adorable blog! :)
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