Alarmed, I rushed in. When asked why he was messing with the toilet, Ezra replied,
"I just wanted to see what it looked like when I flushed."
When Spencer asked him what he saw, Ezra was able to describe in fairly good detail the inner workings of a toilet tank,
"You push the button and the anchor pulls up the black thing and that lets out all the water. Then the black thing closes and it fills up with water."
Don't even get me started on how he disassembled a small drainage system in the basement last week.
Heaven help me, I'm raising one of them...

ps-If you're raising one of them, married to one of them, related to one of them, or just friends to one of's a link to my favorite engineer-humor website. I know I've mentioned An Engineering Mind before, but this is for all y'all who missed it the first time.
Good luck with that! al teast if he takes something apart, you can make him put it back together, chances are he would do a better job putting it back together than I would! I really do believe the understanding how small machinery works should be a pre-req for husbands, just think of all the money you save on small appliance repair!
Hee, hee. I get such a kick outta that little guy. There isn't much that can make a mom's heart drop as when she hears he toilet getting pulled apart...eek!! He is such a little smartie...I bet Spence glowed with pride at the thought of his little protege. (giggle) I can only imagine what the drainage system looked like after he discombobulated it...hee, hee. Ahhh, I love that boy.
btw...where's the link?? did I miss it??
That's hilarious! Well, I'm married to a Mechanical Engineer, and if I catch a tenth of what he says or does then I'm in good shape. Don't worry though, it's great! But then, you already new that didn't you. :)
Little Ez!!! Quite the mind...but then look at this mommy (brilliant) and his daddy (uber-brilliant). Give your little geek-y loves from his not-engineer-minded Auntie!!
The link was "here's" although I've now made the title, "An Engineering Mind" a link too just in case ya miss the first one. love ya!
Sooooooo there with you.
My little brother and father are engineer people. I often just have to leave the room when they have conversations about mechanical things...
Good luck with your boy wonder.
I am certainly not surprised considering his roots!
Good for you my little man! Hey, I went to that engineering website, Did you see the one on engineering and art? If so I bet you liked it. Melting clocks, amputated ears, etc... ;)
That's hilarious. I hope I can get a techie in my house.
I don't think I ever told that I passed that link onto two of Paul's family members (he's got a quite a lot of engineers in his family too) and one of them posted it on HER blog, and so the word keeps going...
It's seriously so funny though, and I'm not even married to an engineer. So classic.
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