Friday, September 9, 2011

Hell is...

...a fabric store with screaming kids insisting you buy random buttons and sparkly fabric and endless rows of material that doesn't include the one fabric you're looking for.


beks27 said...

I have been there and couldn't put it in better words myself! So sorry you didn't at least get the fabric you wanted. That is the worst!

Catherine said...

Mine is Walmart with three screaming kids and a cashier who decides you aren't paying attention so she will charge and extra thing on your card! Thanks!(enter bad word here!)

Anonymous said...

Ha!! So true!! The pains we endure for some crafting. Did you find what you were looking for?? Ella insists we go down the sparkly, chiffon isle of JoAnn's every time. Then she painstakingly points out every fabric and lets me know what color that particular fabric's princess dress is. Lovely.

Cindy said...

Whitney, you are so right about the Osage Oranges!! And if you ever want to go to the fabric store again, just drop your kids off at the playground over here. I'm sure Eric would love to babysit if I'm working :)

Monica Lifferth said...

Oh I so agree. I will avoid it at all costs. Sorry it was a bust.

Alabama Apples said...

Ok, ok, ok...I DO appreciate having only Em at home during the school day!!

holyoak said...

Oh... so that's what hell is! I had a very different image in mind. I thought it was being at Auntie's house with a young very stubborn daughter who refused to help with the dishes, even if it meant the loss of life or limb... sure glad you cleared that up for me. I have been mistaken for over two decades! ; ) Love you my dear!

Anonymous said...

K, Dad. You're too funny. :D (totally laughing here...)

Aubrey said...

That's why I say you should avoid fabric stores at all costs. :P

Anonymous said...

Oooo!!!! Now I know what you updated! I'm too slow. Your "whittisisms" are simply hilarious. You had Phillip and me seriously laughing out-loud. You're kids totally crack me up. Thanks for sharing!