In case you need a giggle :)
This picture makes me smile. Does Oak not look extreeeeemely pleased with himself?
Lately, Georgia has been stealing our camera and taking gobs and gobs of random blurry pictures. The subjects usually consist of...
her favorite toys
weird-angle shots of her underpants
and Christmas decor.
The best is when she blames it all on Scarlett, denying any picture-taking involvement what-so-ever, but then shows up with 50 pictures looking just like this one.
pretty sure she's been caught red-nosed.
Just for posterity's sake, here's a few pictures of the girls playing in the first snow of the season.
Yes, I am fully aware of how white trash this picture makes my backyard look.
Georgia posing in her coat-less state. For some reason she always prefers snow-play without one. *shrug*
"Rooooar" said the Scarlett Monster
Now I'm off to do more Christmas sewing...